mother culture

I’ve had a complicated relationship with homeschooling, but it’s finally becoming something I’m enjoying.

There are reasons why it’s becoming this way– choices I’m making. Over the years, when we’ve found ourselves with uncomfortable and unavoidable adult responsibilities, Vitaliy’s recommended to, “make it your hobby.”

You know, there are a lot of things I like about education and learning, and I’m having to bring those things to the surface. I have a history-literature-focused curriculum. I love history and literature.

I also love Charlotte Mason’s idea of Mother Culture. Mother Culture is when you invest in your own continuing growth and education.

I want to pause here and say: With time, from listening to others, I realize that I have cut out major stuff from my life to have time for 1) my responsibilities of being a missionary and mom and 2) myself. Perhaps I should say “for my soul.” I have ruthlessly, even unwillingly, deleted other things I love or could effectively do from my life.

So, here’s a bit of my current Mother Culture investment:

I’m reading a more advanced-than-my-kids book about ancient Egypt. It’s so fascinating, I want to blog about some things I’ve learned.

I’m reading this book about spiritual life. It’s still rather slow and a bit boring, but it has fascinating moments. Like recently, in her chapter about listening, she talked about how the govt in an African country was trying to encourage women to use birth control. The one place it was successful was in a highly evangelized place. And why? One reason was because God “empowers” (please, someone give me a more original, less politically laden word!) women by listening to them, in a culture where they are not included in decision-making.

I have never given God credit for how much He listens to me when I pray. Nor have I even thought that He might not pay attention to me because I’m female. Thank you, Christianity.

Then, a few weeks back, when I really needed a break, I read a billion Dee Henderson novels. I love her novels. And in this series, there were fabulous explanations of why God allows evil in the world. It’s bugged me for a long time how we blame and accuse God for our own sins, you know? Does God’s righteousness obligate Him to not allow our evil choices? … No. This book in particular had a few good insights into that question.

I’m including my physical health in my Mother Culture. I’m very thankful for the YMCA offering us a discounted family membership!

Another big part of my personal Mother Culture is writing. In that, I include the physical act of moving a pen over a page. So I copied this sweet, powerful hymn into my journal. We sang it at the older-ladies’ Bible study, which I love. I love being around older ladies. They are so nurturing.


If you want to read more about Mother Culture:


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