So my fundraising coach (with KingdomComeTraining) gave me the idea of having a notebook for organizing partner information. (My previous coach suggested an online system, but I drag my feet with online stuff– I have a love affair with paper, notebooks, writing by hand, etc.)
So here’s what I’ve done so far: In the cover, for now, I put our letter for fundraising for our 90-day project.
Here are the tabs: Van Project, Prayer, Full Funding (monthly income), Apartment
I haven’t found one of those insertable pockets with the three-ring holes yet, to hold my loose stuff, so it’s still in the front pocket–stationery, envelopes, stamps, lists, etc:
then, I have a page for each of our partners with their names and the dates of contact with them– shared meals/visits, then any notes I’ve written, etc. I pray for a person, usually one a day, then move their sheet to the back of the stack.
In the prayer section, I start with scriptures that encourage me in our fundraising:
Then I have various requests (about all kinds of topics, not just fundraising) with room to add thoughts, developments, answers:
Then in the apartment section, so far I just have a list we made of the major things we need to buy/do:
Voila! This is my current organizational plan that ‘floats my boat’ to keep up with things 🙂 Vitaliy would have every thing on the computer/phone. To each his own.