Midwifery Literature and Art is my favorite. class. ever. I don’t want it to end! Here is a series of small, even silly assignments I’ve done for this class.
Assignment: write 2 haikus
Haiku 1:
Then, now, will be. forever
Ever becoming
Haiku 2:
Baby works on down
Wriggling, turning, pressing
Baby knows his way
Assignment: Write 150 words+ in response to this prompt: “A midwife goes on a road trip.”
A midwife goes on a road trip, car packed to the gills. How did it happen? Waiting 9 months to be off call, so many No’s to this time space. Three empty days. A miracle.
A midwife goes on a road trip, to Louisville, Kentucky, to a midwifery conference, where others know her crazy life of so many middle of the night and mid day mini road trips. It’s a life of road trips, but this one’s different, when there’s not a baby at the destination but a conference of fellow midwives.
A midwife goes on a road trip. She sings and cries along the way. For being alone, for being together. For being held after holding so many. She’s lived a thousand lives, and she relives them as she drives. A thousand revolutions of the tires, of the sun, of the babies’ heads, of the lives. Revolutions as repetitions, revolutions as change. Thousands and thousands of road trip revolutions. Her mind revolves.
A midwife goes on a road trip. It means she gets to stop. A road trip of rest. A road trip of not. Of not being on call. Not going to births. Not being with. On the road trip, she gets to be the mom.
A midwife goes on a road trip. She gets to be remade. Redone. Refreshed. Renewed. The revolutions stop. She gets a bed, a break, a breakfast. She gets to sigh, to clap, to cry.
The road trip saves her life.
She goes on, with life.
Assignment: Create a list of 8-10 things that bring you happiness.
1. Reading a magazine (like Midwifery Today or Grace Tender)
2. Camping
3. Mountain hiking (not terribly strenuous)
4. Drinking coffee
5. Reading midwifery books for fun!
6. Going to Rembrant’s café with my daughters and/or sister
7. Walking around downtown or at the RiverWalk
8. Cross stitching
9. Petting our dog
10. Posting on FaceBook
11. Writing/journaling
Assignment: create a fun Certificate of birth keepsake for your clients: