Goals 2020, spiritual disciplines

So, I sense God leading me to practice some new spiritual disciplines. I was thinking how it’s kind of different– not making goals that have accomplish-able ends, but rather, making my goals the establishment of habitual practices.

It feels more like … work.

But maybe it’s exactly what should be.

Here’s the reading list I’ve started in my bullet journal (disclaimer: I read widely and with discernment 😉 ):

I’ve started my reading and study and practice, though I don’t have any type of plan laid out yet.

I’ve been trying the practice of Silence during prayer. It’s hard to be silent, to turn the many thoughts and conversations of my mind off, and simply sit before God and ask Him to speak to me if and when He wants. And I’ve found that the times of silence themselves, I don’t get a lot. But then later, I’ll have a major breakthrough or insight into some long-standing issue. 

I wanted to share a fabulous quote from this Jay E. Adams pamphlet, “Godliness Through Discipline.”

Structure alone brings freedom. Discipline brings liberty. Our whole age has been brainwashed into thinking the opposite. Today we are told that we can get freedom and liberty only by throwing over structure and discipline…. The order is–first, structured discipline, then freedom; there is no other.


I have more books coming in the mail. And here’s what I have already, from digging through the library I have collected here already.

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