Fundraising as a way of life amazes and blesses me more and more. The people we meet, the acquaintances we renew, the conversations we have about all of our roles in bringing the gospel to all the world ….
I will be realistic and say that as a person that’s pretty far down the line on the introversion scale, I need recover time. But the conversations and people are incredible.
I have asked God for emotional stability in fundraising, that it would not be a roller coaster of ecstasy or depression. And He is doing that. Today was a tempting day, though, but also a very encouraging day. I want to record it.
First of all, God reminded me a week ago, that in order to bless us in fundraising, He needs to have efforts to bless– that we need to be working consistently towards our goals, and let Him do the work of matching our partners and meeting everyone’s needs.
Our ladies’ SS group is going through Priscilla Shirer’s study, The Armor of God. I sat down to begin it today, and I realized that Satan sure can feed me lies about fundraising– this is such a slow process, you’re going nowhere, what’s the use … It’s lies, because that’s all that Satan can say, you know. He can’t ever tell the truth.
It’s ridiculous. The Scripture that ministered to me today is from Ephesians 1:18-19:
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know …. what is the surpassing greatness of His power …
Enlighten my eyes! Give me Your light! … The truth is that fundraising is pretty easy for God, now isn’t it. There’s nothing difficult or hard about it for God. So the process that is our fundraising has exact, purposeful reasons why it takes whatever length of time it does, why it is a cyclical process, etc.
Today I read a letter that someone had sent me to our mission agency address:
Dear Anne,
What a precious gift you have been to me. When you spoke at [our church]…, I was exposed, my facade crumbled before the Lord. I believed my sin to be unforgivable, but you believed it was already nailed to the cross. And so the Holy Spirit began a great work in me. The relief, joy, freedom has been great….Your sister in Christ Jesus, ….
Oh dear God, may I never begrudge You another day of living Your will for my life, whatever that may be.
Let me go on a tangent here: You know how financially squeezing times come to us at certain times? Sometimes there are no big expenses and life flows on. Other times, it seems like expenses loom large, a tidal wave of them. We are in that time right now. Plane tickets, a new van, apartment renovations, international document fees, putting Skyla and Vika in Christian school next year. Thousands of dollars.
These are each matters that God has very specifically led us into, each one. It’s not timing we personally chose.
What I didn’t know until that afternoon was that the writer of that letter had enclosed a check for $1,000.
Oh dear God, teach me to identify and disbelieve the lying voice of Satan so the eyes of my heart be enlightened to know the surpassing greatness of Your power.
Thank you so much, Anne, for this encouraging post. I have lost many opportunities to bless others out of my fears and these lies. This helps me to press in and to give God the glory. I am chalenged with the line that He needs efforts to bless. Yes!! Amen!
Renee 🙂 I was just wanting to contact you! I want a copy of your grace/blagodat painting!
God bless you <3